The journey ‘home’

No, I haven’t returned to Ukraine (well, it’s technically home).

It’s been a long and wiggly road home. Here are some pictures of the journey…

Borispil Airport, Kyiv

Lights of London
Daffodils in Green Park, London
Sunrise from a living room, London
Spring flags are blooming, London
Folks looking at the city, Hampstead Heath
Plane window, Bangkok
‘Cuisine’ in the air, Bangkok
Broken video screens, Bangkok
Afternoon storm, Gosford
Sydney from Watson’s Bay
Happy 75th birthday, Sydney Harbour Bridge
Endless beaches, north coast NSW
Yes, the beaches really do stretch on and on..

17 responses to “The journey ‘home’”

  1. why did you come to ukraine again?

  2. Wow! Around the world with Little Miss M…love it. Great tour. Do I need to make reservations for the next trip?

  3. Little Miss Moi Avatar
    Little Miss Moi

    Dear enidd. Believe me, it’s popped into my thoughts.

    Dear swampy. Oh, that’s a good idea! If I get enough bookings, I’ll do a tour of my home town, Brisbane… You’ve given me an idea for tomorrow’s post – scavenger hunt!

  4. *sigh* So beautiful. I wish I could travel more. The last time I was in Europe was 19 years ago. At this point I’d settle for a trip more exotic than my mother-in-law’s house, which is the only place I really go.

  5. I think my tour here on your blog is the closest I’ll get to Australia or Europe.

  6. I’d love to visit down under!

  7. Came here via Testing, and No. Beautiful pictures. Gosh, you must lead an exciting life. My biggest trip lately has been going 2 miles down the road to get groceries.

  8. Wow, that was a pretty awesome trip around the world (well, halfway at least). I know exactly what that is like, and it can take a lot out of you! Glad you made it home, and back to the temporary home!

  9. Wonderful photos! Everything looks great. On one hand I like seeing photos like this, but on the other hand they make me JEALOUS. Roar! I want to go somewhere, too. 🙂

  10. Little Miss Moi Avatar
    Little Miss Moi

    Dear melissa. Trust me, all I wanted to do was come home and visit family and friends. Bugger travelling around the world! Nah but really, I do feel lucky to be having some unique experiences…

    Dear pamela. I hope you’re enjoying travelling vicariously through me. But, you never know when you’ll get a-travelling! Maybe you’ll get itchy feet in the future?

    Dear beccy. It’s expensive to get down here, but you should do it sometime. The kids would lurve it – Australia’s a great place for parents (vineyards, great food and wine, beautiful scenery) and kids (beaches, beaches, rivers, bush, beaches?!). And cheap on the euro too.

    Dear just me. Thanks for visiting. You know, I should look at my life and think it’s exciting, but to be honest, I fret too much to enjoy it 100% at the moment. Living in an unfamiliar country’s taken a bit longer to adapt to than I thought, and I have too much time to think. But I am LOVING being ‘home’!

    Dear wes. I made sure I took lots of piccies because I’ve squeezed some very different places into the past week. The trip to Brissie from Sydney was the best though – as you can see, I had a great view. But didn’t take any pics of Byron or Straddie and those miles of unbroken beach, because my seat-mate was getting cranky with me pulling out the camera every two secs..!

    Dear Zandria. To be honest, Mr Moi and I put off moving to Europe for soooo long (we were umming and ahhing for about 2 years), and then when you look at a 24 hour trip in the context of the wonderful places you see, it doesn’t actually seem like that much effort! Our next mission is the States sometime this year.

  11. lovely beaches – I think seeing that after 24 hours must have made the plane ride all worth it!!!!

  12. Hmm I have been in some of the same places as you in the last week. I didn’t see you though 🙂
    Whirlwind of a trip, eh!

  13. A day in your life is so exciting! Book me on the same tour as Swampwitch (she finds me annoying, it would be so funny to follow her around on a vacation!)
    I love reading blogs from people who travel. I keep thinking, someday…

  14. Great pictorial journey for us to share

  15. Ohhh beautiful. Great view, great shots. Thanks for taking them, otherwise I’d never have seen it.

    Travel the world, read a good blog.

  16. ooooh, I love the pics!! just love them. Isn’t it funny how runways look the same all over the world? Weird. Of course, now I want to go…London looks very cool and Australia reminds me a bit of home in Fl.

  17. Little Miss Moi Avatar
    Little Miss Moi

    Dear karmyn. It was lovely seeing the beaches, especially considering I was seeing my parents and family home at the other end. And this weekend, I get to swim in them, woo hoo.

    Dear theotherbear. I didn’t see you either, I would have noticed your brown fluffy face anywhere. Very much a whirlwind of a trip – just getting here eats into time on holidays.

    Dear min. Your seat is booked. Swampy, be warned. Ahh travel. In the end, you get sick of thinking of how to get out of the airport and to your accommodation on the cheap…

    Dear chrisb. I’m glad you enjoyed it. More to come!

    Dear vicki. There’s nothing like travelling vicariously through other people. I just wish I could but the humidity and the sound of cicadas on the blog too!

    Dear claudia. I’m sure Australia has the same weather as Florida, and the same laidback lifestyle, if ‘Meet the Fockers’ is actually true. You’d feel right at home here.

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